Terms and conditions

1. The Subject of the Rental agreement
1.1. The Lessor transfers to the Lessee a short-term rental of a motor vehicle under the following terms:
1.2. The Vehicle is transferred for the personal use of the Customer only in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the period that was showed on Rental Agreement.
1.3. During the rental period, Customer has no right to transfer the Vehicle for use or subrent to third parties except additional driver(s) who was included on the Rental Agreement.
1.4. For the duration of this agreement, Rental Company provides the following documents to the Customer: vehicle registration certificate, insurance policy, check-list.

2. Procedure for renting a vehicle
2.1. Renting of a vehicle for temporary possession and use of the Customer is carried out according to the Rental agreement and Check-list, which is an integral part of the Agreement.
2.2. The period for providing a vehicle for short-term rental can be changed, which is formalized by an additional agreement, but cannot be more than 30 calendar days.
2.3. The rental company undertakes to provide a vehicle for short term rental and use of the Customer within 1 (One) business day from the date of signing Rental Agreement, and to hand over to the Customer all documents and accessories necessary for its operation, including a registration certificate, insurance policy and keys.
2.4. The rental company is obliged, in the presence of the Customer, to check the service ability of the rented vehicle, familiarize the Customer with the rules and procedures for its operation and provide instructions on how to use the vehicle.
2.5. When providing a vehicle, the Rental Company issues to customer a power of attorney to drive a vehicle.
2.6. The completeness of the vehicle being rented, as well as the list of documents to be transferred for the vehicle, is determined by the inspection Check-list, which is an integral part of the Rental Agreement.
2.7. At the end of the rental period, the vehicle must be returned to the Rental Company exactly on the day and hour specified in the Rental Agreement at the place of issue, the vehicle must be returned in a clean condition, with a fuel supply not less than at the beginning of the rental (full to full), in technically sound condition, taking into account normal wear and tear, and fully equipped with all accessories and documents related to the vehicle in accordance with the Check-list Inspection paper, unless a different place and time of return was agreed upon by the parties.
2.8. It is allowed to be late in returning the Vehicle to the to rental company by no more than 1 (One) hour without applying late fee penalties.
2.9. At the end of the rental period, return of the vehicle to the Rental Company is formalized by the Check-list Inspections paper, which is an integral part of this Agreement. When handling over the vehicle, the parties will inspect technical condition of the vehicle, stipulate existing faults and the procedure for eliminating them, which should be reflected on the Check-list Inspection sheet .

3. Rights and obligations of the parties.
3.1. Rights of the Rental Company:
3.1.1 Require a security deposit for the short-term rental of vehicle, which serves as a guarantee of payment for damage caused by the customer during the rental period;
3.1.2. Require from customer that the vehicle must be returned in the same condition in accordance with the Check-list Inspection sheet;
3.1.3. Require from customer a compensation for fines for violating traffic rules, as well as request compensation for losses in the event of damage to the vehicle during the short-term rental under this Agreement;
3.1.4. The rental company may require early termination of the Rental Agreement and compensation for damages in cases where it is established that the vehicle is not used in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
3.1.5. Refuse the Customer to extend the rental if there is no available vehicle in that moment.
3.2. The Rental company undertakes:
3.2.1. Provide the vehicle within the established time frame and time in accordance with this Agreement in technically sound condition, complete in accordance with the Check-list Inspection sheet.
3.2.2. In the presence of the Customer, check the serviceability of the rented vehicle, and also familiarize the Customer with the operating rules, or issue instructions to the Customer (in the form of a link to an electronic resource) on the rules and procedures for using the vehicle.
3.2.3. During the period of validity of the Rental Agreement, provide to Customer with consulting and informational assistance upon any of his oral or written requests about the specifics of operating rental vehicle, the procedure and behavior in the event of a traffic accident, the occurrence of another insured event, etc., by his own forces.
3.3. Customer undertakes
3.3.1. Use the vehicle in accordance with the terms of the Rental Agreement without transfer it to third parties except additional driver that was included in Rental Agreement;
3.3.2. Return the vehicle within the established time frame and time in accordance with Rental Agreement in the same condition as it was in the beginning of rental in accordance with the Check-list Inspection sheet.
3.3.3. Familiarize yourself with the operating rules of the vehicle provided for short-term rental;
3.3.4. Compensate the Rental Company for all losses and expenses associated with holding the Rental Company liable as the owner of the vehicle - committing an administrative offense, causing harm by the lessee to both the vehicle and the life or health of third parties due to the use of the vehicle;
Payment for rental in accordance with the terms of the concluded agreement.
3.3.5. Strictly observe the Traffic Rules and full financial responsibility for their violation and damage caused, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Rental Agreement.
3.3.6. Keep vehicle documents and keys with a set of security equipment with you at all times, without leaving them unattended.
3.3.7. Treat the vehicle with care, returning it to the Lessor in the same condition as it was received in accordance with Check-list Inspection sheet.
3.3.8. Do not hide any damage that caused by you to the vehicle, do not make improvements, replace components, assemblies and other mechanisms, any types of repairs and maintenance, do not violate the integrity of seals and markings of fasteners, do not otherwise interfere with the design of the vehicle and install additional equipment on them without prior written consent to the Rental Company.
3.3.8. All expenses associated with the operation of the vehicle during the rental period, including payment for fuel and car wash, parking tickets, fines for violating traffic rules and committing other administrative offenses related to his use of the vehicle will be charged by the Customer.
3.3.9. Compensate to the Rental Company for the payment of fines within 3 (Three) days from the date the Rental Company sends traffic violation tickets to the Customer, if a protocol on an administrative offense was drawn up by the competent authorities in the name of the owner of the vehicle during the rental period used by the Customer, including for administrative offenses committed by the Rental Company, in case of their recording by special technical means operating in automatic mode that have photo-video recording functions, or means of photography, filming, and video recording.
3.3.10. Use gasoline/AI95 fuel to refuel a rental vehicle.
3.3.11. Compensate for full damage to the Rental Company (damage caused due to the use of poor-quality fuel, damage, destruction or theft of a vehicle) not covered by the terms of the Rental Agreement.
3.3.12. Operate the vehicle only in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan and do not transfer control of the vehicle to other person, unless otherwise provided by an additional agreement (additional driver) to this Agreement.
3.3.13. Do not drive a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, toxic or other substances. Do not allow persons in condition of alcohol, narcotic, toxic or other intoxication to operate the rental vehicle.
3.3.14. The Rental Company`s first request, report the location and condition of the vehicle.
3.3.15. Make payments for the Car rental on time.
3.3.16. In all cases of change of address or mobile phone number of the Customer, inform the Rental Company about this information as soon as possible.
3.3.17. The customer agrees to stay within the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
3.3.18. Penalty for crossing the border of the Republic of Uzbekistan is 10,000,000 (Ten million) uzbekistan sums.
3.3.19. The tenant agrees to return the vehicle in a clean condition; otherwise, the tenant agrees to reimburse the cost of cleaning in the amount of 130,000 (One hundred thirty thousand) sums.
3.3.20. Despite having full insurance from the company, the tenant agrees to inform the company immediately about any damage.
3.3.21. The fine for driving under the influence is 10,000,000 sums.

4. Payment requirements for rental
Rent and payment procedure
4.1. For the use of a motor vehicle, the rental rate is set in national currency (sum) including VAT per day in accordance with the rate for renting a vehicle.
4.1.1. The cost of renting a vehicle under the Rental Agreement for the entire period is calculated based on the rates chosen by the Customer in National currency (sum) including VAT.
4.1.2. Payment for rent must be paid by the Customer upon signing the Rental Agreement in the amount of 100% prepayment.
4.1.3. For each extension of the rental period, an advance payment is also required. Rental extension without prepayment: plus 20% to the daily rate.
4.2. Security deposit amount must be paid upon check out of the rental vehicle. The deposit amount serves as security for the proper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, in particular for the payment of all fines imposed on the owner of the vehicle during the period of provision of the Car for temporary possession and use to the Lessee for violation of the Traffic Rules, as well as the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
4.2.1. Under this Agreement, the deposit amount is $300 (three hundred US Dollars)
4.2.2. Payment for violation of the terms of the Agreement in terms of failure to comply with the deadlines for returning the vehicle from rental, for exceeding the established mileage limit, for damage to the vehicle, for the restoration of documents and keys in case of their loss, for the loss of tools and accessories with which the vehicle is equipped , is made immediately after returning the vehicle, according to the current prices of the Rental Company, at the expense of the deposit amount, and if the deposit amount is insufficient, it is covered by the Customer by paying an additional amount of money within 2 (two) calendar days.
4.2.3. The deposit will be kept by the Lessor for 30 (thirty) days from the date of return of the vehicle (as fines sometimes arrive with a delay).
4.2.4. The lessor charges an additional 5% of the amount of fines for servicing fines.
4.2.5. If the total amount of the monetary fine exceeds the deposit made, the Tenant is obliged to replenish the deposit amount within 2 (two) days.
4.2.6. The deposit is refunded 30 days from the date of return of the Car to the Customer in the following ways:
- in cash at the Rental Car office
- transfer to the current account (bank card) of the Tenant. The commission for transferring funds is paid at the expense of the Tenant
- transfer of the deposit amount to the Customer using international transfer systems/cards (____________). The commission for transferring funds is paid at the expense of the Customer.
4.3. The rent and deposit are paid by the Customer in national currency (sum) at the time of concluding this agreement. The date of payment of rent under this agreement is the date of crediting funds to the Lessor's bank account.

5.1. Customer is responsible for the safety of the rented car during the validity period of the Rental Agreement. In case of loss or damage to the car, Customer is obliged to immediately notify the Rental Company and compensate to the Rental Company for the damage caused within 1 day after its loss or damage. The amount of compensation is determined by agreement of the parties.
5.2. Customer is responsible:
- for failure to comply with the rental Car delivery deadlines
- for damage to the Car caused by improper operation or illegal actions of third parties
- for lost profits of the Rental Car if the Customer violates the terms of delivery of the Car.
- for the restoration of documents and keys to the Car in case of their loss.
In case of delay in payments for compensation of damage, Customer shall pay a penalty in the amount of __% of the cost of damage specified in clause 5.1 of the agreement. Penalties are accrued from the moment the Rental Company sends a written claim to the Customer.
5.3. Payment of penalties does not relieve the Customer from fulfilling the obligation to pay the principal debt.
5.4. Customer bears responsibility for damage caused to third parties by the rented vehicle, its mechanisms, devices, and equipment.
5.5. In cases of damage to the vehicle and (or) traffic accidents involving the rented vehicle, customer is obliged to:
- immediately inform the Rental Company;
- inform the insurance company
- carry out actions to record the incident in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
5.6. If signs of damage to the leased vehicle are identified, the amount of damage caused is determined by assessing it and is recovered from the perpetrators in the manner prescribed by law.

6.1. The parties are released from liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the terms of this agreement if this was the result of force majeure (force majeure circumstances) that the parties could not have foreseen at the time of concluding the agreement and could not prevent them. For the purposes of this agreement, force majeure circumstances include: fires, floods, earthquakes, wars, blockades, decisions of government bodies, if these circumstances directly affected the fulfillment of contractual obligations.
6.2. A party for which it is impossible to fulfill its obligations under this agreement due to force majeure circumstances is obliged to notify the other party in writing within 3 days of the occurrence and termination of the above circumstances. Certificates issued by authorized government organizations can serve as appropriate evidence of the existence of the above circumstances and their duration.

7.1. The terms of this agreement and agreements thereto are confidential and not subject to disclosure.
7.2. The parties take all necessary measures to ensure that their employees, agents and successors do not inform third parties about the details of this agreement and its annexes without the prior consent of the other party.

8.1. All disputes and disagreements that may arise between the parties on issues that are not resolved in the text of this agreement will be resolved through negotiations.
8.2. If controversial issues are not resolved during negotiations, disputes are resolved in the manner established by the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

10.1. This agreement may be amended or terminated early by agreement of the parties.
10.2. In all other respects that are not regulated by the terms of this agreement, the parties are guided by the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
10.3. All changes and additions to this agreement are valid if they are in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the parties.
10.4. The Rental Agreement will be drawn up in in 2 Languages Russian and English in two copies having equal legal force, one copy for each of the parties.